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Dental Treatment

A removable denture replaces missing teeth. ‘Partial’ dentures replace a few missing teeth and ‘full’ or ‘complete’ dentures are needed if all the natural teeth are missing. Dentures can improve the way you look, bite, chew and speak and can be made to look as natural as possible.

Acrylic, a type of plastic, is used to make dentures and some will also have metal in them.


The dentist uses a putty-like material to make moulds of your mouth – called ‘impressions’. A dental technician uses them to make models for the denture to be built on. Sometimes, second impressions are taken.

The dentist then takes further measurements of the mouth using wax blocks. These blocks show the technician how your teeth should bite together, and the shape to make the denture.


A trial denture is made and put in your mouth. The dentist will check the fit and make any final changes.

The trial denture then goes back to the technician who permanently fixes the teeth. The denture is then ready to use.





Full Denture


Partial Denture

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